2021年12月9日 星期四

Hostapd example


interface=wlan0       # the interface used by the AP
hw_mode=a             # a simply means 5GHz
channel=0             # the channel to use, 
                      # 0 means the AP will search for the channel with the 
                      # least interferences 
ieee80211d=1          # limit the frequencies used to those allowed in the country
country_code=TW       # the country code
ieee80211n=1          # 802.11n support
ieee80211ac=1         # 802.11ac support
wmm_enabled=1         # QoS support

ssid=SSID             # the name of the AP
auth_algs=1           # 1=wpa, 2=wep, 3=both
wpa=2                 # WPA2 only