2023年11月29日 星期三


1: off 
2: off 

1: on 
2: on 
3: off 
4: on 
5: on 
6: on 
7: off 
8: on 
9: on 
10: on 

(2) USB flash drive with two partitions First partition: FAT-32 recommended to store Linux kernel/device tree blob/etc. Second partition: EXT-4 used for rootfs 

(3) Extract the ubuntu rootfs to second partition 
sudo mount /dev/sd?2 /mnt 
cd /mnt sudo tar xf rootfs_lsdk2012_ubuntu_main_arm64.tgz 
sudo umount /mnt 

(1) Power on the board and stop in u-boot command prompt 
(2) Run the following command to => mmc rescan 
(3) Use the following command to set bootargs to use USB rootfs 
=> setenv bootargs root=/dev/sda2 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 earlycon=uart8250,mmio,0x21c0500 console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=8 nohz=off 
 (4) Use the following commands to load Linux kernel and device tree blob from USB 
=> usb start 
=> fatload usb 0:1 0x8f000000 fsl-ls1046a-db-sdk.dtb 
=> fatload usb 0:1 0x81000000 Image (5) Use the following command to boot the Linux kernel 
=> booti 0x81000000 - 0x8f000000